Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why 27 Dresses is Just a Metaphor For Life

There is only one chick flick that I have seen over three times. That’s 27 Dresses. The reason why I have seen it that many times is because life should just work out like that, dammit. Every woman should have some attractive cynical man stalk them around, learning about all their little adorable quirks of their personality until said attractive cynical man falls in love with them. Unfortunately, that’s not the way life works. More often than not, it is the blaring irony of that movie that hits people in the face. How poor Katherine Heigl deals with having her super attractive younger sister marry the man she is in love with is beyond me. Plus having the goodness to coordinate her entire wedding? Well, that’s just wrong. Only Jesus can do that. But, Katherine Heigl’s Character, I blame you. When the movie gods send you an attractive cynical man who just HAPPENS to show up in every scene with a glowing smile and beautiful sea-green eyes, it’s kind of your problem if you keep wanting to stalk your boring-as-potato-soup boss who only has eyes for your ditz younger sister. That, dear Katherine Heigl’s Character, is a sign that he’s not as deep as he seems. You must never abuse the power of a man-stalker, even if he’s only stalking you at first for your outlandish dresses. This could serve to be a cleverly hidden and highly exaggerated metaphor for us all. Take what you can get, girlies, because it ain’t gonna get much better.

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