Thursday, June 10, 2010

That Mandatory First Blog Post About Nothing

Tech-no-logically challenged.

Techknowledgeically challenged.

Technically challenged (skip out on the 'knowledge' part all the way.)

THESE are clever. I should have used them to name this blog. They actually have something to do with my life, which, I think, is what you're supposed to post about on a blog. But I have to stay true to the title 'She Has It Together', which some other clever person already took. So now I'm stuck with, which says 'blog' in it twice just in case you forget that this is, in fact, a blog. Now I've said that word so many times I've forgotten whether or not it's really a word...anyway, my life. This should be an account of my life/job/what I want to do when I'm a big strong adult, which is little-known about to people who watch plays and musicals and...well...unheard of anywhere else. Let me tell you about a basic day of mine:

Enter ACTOR. ACTOR is usually tall, tan, and good-looking, and importantly, oozing with charisma. The ACTOR cannot take shit from anyone but can give plenty himself. ACTORS commonly come in many varieties, whether they be the friendly chill ones that know how to actually take a table off the set or the scary old ones that have been acting since the womb. A sub-variety of this is the DANCER: usually an incredibly willowy blonde girl who has, also, been dancing since the womb, or at least age four, which is what their moms tell other blonde-and-matching-yoga-pantsuit moms who drop off their kids at Gorton in a minivan Lexus on Tuesdays. The DANCER too is incredibly charismatic, and, when dancing majestically though fog and charmed by dark and mysterious lighting (not on their own grace, by the way) usually look like a piece of art.
Then. Enter the TECHIE. The TECHIE will probably miss her entrance because she is currently fast asleep up in the dark second floor of the house theatre, with her face stuck to a spotlight and snoring. She sports a sloppy ponytail, jeans, and Converse, which she has propped up on a precarious metal bar. This, from experience, is not a good position to sleep in. It gives people chances to scare the hell out of you. The TECHIE, mind you, does not look like a piece of art.

Yup. You probably guessed it. The TECHIE is me.

So that's what I do. I run around, makesure actors have it all together, run spotlights, design sets, stick pieces of tape to people's necks to keep their microphones on, paint floors, get yelled at, and clean stuff. More to come on this job: it's hard to describe at first glance. Besides, this post isn't actually about my job, it's that first really awkward post you've got to get out of the way when you're a teen and you've started a blog, even though they're definitely old and no one really reads them anyway.

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