Monday, June 14, 2010

I Used To Laugh At Those Poor Suckers

Holy way too much information, Batman! So I got my week of summer, and now it’s back to school. Or what it would be like if you died without taking your fair share of history classes and had to make them up in Hell, either one. Okay, so my class really isn’t that bad, and my teacher’s a white-tube-sock-wearing fresh out of college kid who’s shorter than me and doesn’t mind people talking, but still. US History Concentrated Edition is six weeks long, but each day has the content of two weeks. That means if you zone out for like a second, you’ve missed a day. We read a chapter every night and have a real test every morning. And each class is six hours long, meaning six slots for Lecture Time!
Or, we’re treated like kindergarteners, and we get to fill out maps of the US. I worked on mine diligently. I mean, I may have ended up with more than a couple Virginias and some of my Carolinas were missing, but that’s okay. We only need one anyway. Or is it two? And are they supposed to be touching, or can they be at diagonals? Well, thank goodness for the North states, because they’re DEFINITELY all up in the north. And the capital of Hawaii is ‘Luau’, right? Because I kept trying to write that down and it seemed right. From what I know and stuff.

Taking a Modern European course before this was probably not a good idea. I can only see the US in terms of Europe now.

As if that isn’t bad enough (okay, now I’m just joshing myself. The whole middle of the day I felt like we were being baby-sat with Activity Learning Activities. We even got to watch a cartoon. I think life should have more people singing and dancing to protest that the world is round.) we had to do a group activity where we were advertising British colonies. My group’s was the New Netherlands. Man, were they a sucky-ass colony. They basically produced snuff and hunted down small animals. Also, they gave up after running the colony for five years without a fight. How the hell do you advertise that?? ‘Hey, come live in New Netherlands, we’re…peaceful, man. We love EVERYBODY, man. And we loves us the animals. Peace out!’ Yeah, no. My group wouldn’t even let me draw an Uncle Sam on the board wearing an I <3 NY shirt. My life is hard.

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