Friday, August 27, 2010

Emotions They Ain't No Good To Me

I am not good at emotions. I fail at change. Traits like these, paired with the fact that I also can’t do math or science, basically rule out all chances of me succeeding in the adult world. The thing with me and emotions is, they all happen at the wrong times. Either that, or I react strangely, or don’t react at all. I’m sooper emotional or else Spock-like in my stoicality. Let me demonstrate some typical emotions my brain can’t figure out.

1.Friends Dating/New Things
I tend to handle new relationships and things I don’t understand with nervous hysterical laughter. The higher and snortier it gets the more freaked out I am. Unless I am actually having a laugh attack---sometimes it's hard to tell the difference, both result from little to no sleep.

It’s like a ninja. It sneaks up on you.

When I was younger especially, I used to think all compliments were clever insults and suspiciously avoided them and all compliment-givers as secretly clever mean people who really hated my pants.

I don’t know WHY I’m mad at you. I just am.

Well, that has been my handy guide to understanding my emotions. Unfortunately there are probably like three more emotions or reactions to situations I have so you'll have to understand those on your own. I would draw out more, but I'm all tired now so logically I should spend three more hours reading or drawing other stuff to combat my fail-logic at emotions.

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