Friday, August 13, 2010

When You Start Beginning Words With 'LOST', You're A Goner

I am beginning to think that LOST may be impairing my perception of reality.

Due to my new schedule of finally falling asleep at two in the morning every night, I’m starting to realize just how much my life is affected by this show. Hell, how ANYONE’s is. Everyday situations are not the same anymore!

In an airplane, it doesn’t matter that I usually am on flights with a bunch of giant old people and tourist families with babies. EVERYONE HAS A STORY.

Since there’s a high percentage of convicts on the island who are all pretty much as scary as kittens in teapots, my fear has been banished.

And so on.

It's almost sad, really. Scratch that. It is sad. Everyone else went through their LOST phase eight years ago and here I am, all like HOLY CRAP JACK AND CLAIRE ARE RELATED!!! OMG DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!! SMOKE MONSTER!!! BABY!!! ...JESUS?

Maybe there should be a help group for this.

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