Friday, November 26, 2010

Key To The Awesome Vault

When I was little (and p. much still all the time today) I always thought I’d be cooler when I was older. Like, one day, my whole paradigm would just shift and I would be automatically cool. I thought there was some sort of way to gain cool points that I could one day spend on some kind of huge-ass item in the Awesome Vault. Now that I’m older and smarter, though, I realize I probably could be cooler if I tried, but alas I am so lazy and instead I just have a name for the cooler version of me.

Basically, Meta-Me would react so much more awesomely in everyday situations. Observe.

Um that’s about the gist of it. Basically there is a way, but Gandalf/Hagrid has not been pooped magically out of the sky and granted me magic powers yet.

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