Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Just Your Friendly Neighbourhood Future Decider

So all these thoughts about college kind of make me want to crawl inside a crayon box and live there for a million years and find Peter Pan and make him hunt down the Sorcerer’s Stone with me so I could have the Elixir of Life and be friggin immortal like Nicholas Flamel. Unfortunately, that isn’t happening, so today I had to consider my options of what I wanted to major in in college. Sadly this proved too much work for my brain and when I got to the list of majors, my brain went SCREW LOGICAL, I WANNA DO THAT CUZ I SAW IT ON CRIMINAL MINDS.

So I made a list of majors. Sad, right? Well, the list was pretty pathetic to begin with. It kind of went like this, with all the ideal shiny sparkly ludicrous stuff that probably won’t happen at the top.


‘Nuff said.

2.Cinematology/ Film Producing

Because for some reason I think I’d be Indiana Jones.


Because that would just be AWESOME.

Unfortunately, I don’t think any of these are going to work out. As much as I’d like to show up at…well…wherever the crime scene investigator gods work out who gets to solve mysteries and stuff, I don’t think that’s what happens in real life. So basically I’m really only qualified and can really only focus on one thing: writing. And we all know what the future for that looks like.


Oh well. If I fail at that, I can send in my application to become a vampire (I got inspired watching one of the many previews for True Blue Vampire Gates Series Eclipse Diaries 3). Because really, they don’t need any real qualifications anymore, and the shows multiply like bunnies.

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