Friday, April 29, 2011

Freaky Friday (feat. BroCon)

Forgive me the lame title. The sun's been all like 'LOL IMMA FRY YOU UP LIKE A PERSON-OMELETTE < 3' and I think it's turning my brain into a melted shammy shake.

Today I went to CTEC film festival. It was interesting. Nothing like a 45 minute bus ride with your telecom class on a bus that smelled like bacon to Lyons Township High School, which smelled like pancakes. (This is increasingly breakfast-themed) I thought that it wouldn't be such a big deal, but apparently it was, because even though I showed up in jeans with paint and dirt on them and possibly sandwich crumbs, all the boys had on neat suits or jackets and the girls all seemed to follow one fashion, which was that black-skirt-white-top combo which is basically just a rectangle of really tight black spanx for an ass-wrap and a white shirt, possibly to go the 'business casual' route. Or something.

The rest of the crowd, roughly 30%, were hipsters.

There were three schools there, I think. And more than 200 entries. Sadly to say, I did not place, but some of the people and projects who did were interesting. There was good people-watching (ha get it, it's a film watch things there?...). This one guy won about twelve plaques. I think he was going to make a teepee with them. But his videos ranged from veteran documentaries to how to make noodles, and pretty much all of them were good. But then there were others whose arrogance, or lack of knowledge, were just awe inspiring.

Yeah. The two guys who won the first place music video did NOT seem like they made it. All they could say about it was that there was a dancing lady. One wanted to be a veteranarian. The other wanted to be a meteorologist.

Also, the comedy section (this hurts me badly guys, that I did not place with my hallways video. See why thusly.) had three places. THREE. Every other category basically handed out awards. And the sparkling winners were...

1! A short about a man running down the street chasing the man who stole his wallet!!! It ended with the man pulling off the thief's mask and saying incredulously, 'John'? A shocker! Also comedic.

2! Two little boys run down the street with no pants!! It sounds funnier here than it was there.

3! I don't even remember!! I think there was a fat kid with sunglasses.

And those, my friends, are the winners in comedy. I hope they trip and scrape their knees one day. Is that too harsh?

Oh, in an entirely unrelated parallel universe of what-the-fuckness, I ended up driving BroCon to the train station. I don't even think he knows my name.

Also, my car apparently smells like Burger King, which I don't think won me any extra credit points in orchestra.

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