Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Excuses Excuses

Hey my brothers and sisters from other mothers and misters. So I realize it's been a while since I posted on this thing. Buuuut I came prepared!!! I not only have excuses, but an illustrated LIST of excuses as to why I haven't posted since January. I swear they are all good. If not, you can have your money back. But seriously. Who can argue with a LIST OF ILLUSTRATED EXCUSES. Unless your arguments are drawings, then I shall accept those.

1. Breaking Things

My laptop computer, on which I drew everything on Paint and wrote deep into the night, finally ('finally'...it was only two years old. JUST A BABY :( ) gave up and left me. It went something like this:

2. Prom

For some reason, I always imagine Prom to be like this:

When really it goes something more like this:

So I've been putting it off.

3. Footloose

So Footloose. That's a thing that's happening. And it combines all my least favourite things, like dancing, bad 80's hair, and weak rhyming. However, it also takes up all of my time, and even when I'm not at footloose, my brain is.

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