Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Talent Show

Talent Show

Was p. much the worst couple months of my life last year. My grades got worse, my eyeshadow got blacker, and I spent most of my time either dead on the floor or in a corner giggling in a high, maniacal voice and muttering nonsensically. For some reason, I decided to do it again this year, thinking it might get better.

When in reality

I also don’t know why I am sticking to my job. Also a love hate thing, I guess, otherwise why would I rather waddle around, taping mikes to people’s faces than do something important? Secretly, I think it must be that I actually understand the directions “tape this to so and so’s face and stick this in their pocket” rather than “the SOMX36 cables go under the PATC-67 box 4 in the rigging section coil”. Which is a sad reason, but, seriously, LAVing is where the party is, as demonstrated previously.

So LAVing. I also p. much have this pride in me for this job to be done well.

Also, it’s not like I have a lot of competition for the job. Luckily last year I had people to help me, but this year, notsomuch.

Talent show is like a final, or exercise, or a really choice piece of asparagus. You tell yourself it’s not going to be that bad, and then you actually get there, and you’re like, WHY.
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and it’s probably good for you (stressing the ‘probably’ here), but the middle of it is agony. But at the end, everything usually turns out okay, and you can even see the daylight of spring by the end of it.

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