Friday, July 23, 2010

If My Life Were Scott Pilgrim

-I wouldn’t have to get a job; my friends would magically offer one to me
-I’d have a hands-on (literally) magical super witty gay roommate who would pay for my food and just be generally awesome
-I’d WIN EVERYTHING (+1 XP for winning!) (+1 for noticing that ‘XP’ looks like a smiley face!!)
-All my clothing would be cool and if you’re chubby in SP, it’s counted as a character trait.

-I wouldn’t have to think out of the box because everything would be in black and white. HA WHAT A KNEE SLAPPER
-If I needed to escape my troubles, I could literally TAKE A MAGICAL LEAP THROUGH MY BRAIN
-I would never have an awkward situation because some magical deux ex machina would come and save me.

-If I’m aloof and elusive, that makes me automatically awesome/the main character and not a bitch.
-If I’m forgetful/a jerk, that makes me cutesy/the main character and wanted by all the ladies.
-I’d never need to form my own opinions on someone again because there’d be a helpful black box next to them with the three sentences that make up their lives
-I could pull random crap out of my ass and everyone would accept it wholeheartedly

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