Friday, October 15, 2010


Today for Telecom (that class I take where we film stuff) I had to interview a teacher. I chose to interview Ben, head of tech in theatre, even though he's not a teacher and doesn't direct an extracurricular activity, which pretty much cut out ten of the fifteen questions I had to ask. But at the beginning of the project, my hopeful little mind was set on working alone and maybe interviewing him at his desk. Unfortunately my telecom teacher has a Babel Fish in his ear that turns Rachael-language into gibberish so he just fills in the blanks, and I not only got stuck with two partners, but also filming this interview in the REAL LIVE INTERVIEW-Y ROOM WITH CHAIRS AND LIKE THREE CAMERAS AND THOSE GLOWY-ASS UMBRELLA LIGHTS.

I am not very good on camera. And Ben is pretty awkward, so combine my failure to talk on camera and his awkward and you get a bucket o' awkward soup.

The interview was about to happen. I had been nervously waddling around all hour, trying to get the jittermonster out of my stomach, when I realized I hadn't printed my questions. I went to print them and was so nervous that my normal telecom stupidity was multiplied by 1,000 and I couldn't find the print button. I think I asked a question to one of the senior TA's that was kind of like this:

It was so preposterously illogical and senseless that my TA's just stared at me, dumbfounded. So they left me to fret around and poke at the printer while the rest of my class waited on me.

Once I finally got to the interview, there was about a year of staring blankly into the cameras before we began. I think I asked questions. I really don't know. All I remember is staring into this blank void somewhere in between the cameras and the control room. I remember there was a whooshy sound in my head and I couldn't get my feet to balance on the chair and also there was this godlike silence in my head where I probably wasn't even talking and my face looked like this:

And Ben was all like



so that is why I am never on camera. And I'mmuna be all over my two partners to edit every bit of me out of that video.

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